Humans are especially adept at resolving ambiguity with context.
Consider the word present. This moment in time. A gift. An activity performed in front of an audience. State of being and an affirmative answer to roll-call. A military command.
Internal wiki links are resolved in the context of the current neighborhood. See how to work with the neighborhood: Your Attention is Yours.
Some plugins change behavior depending on the adjacent page. See Radar Data in Method Plugins and Specify both Dimensions and Limits
The side-by-side browsing maintains context. Among other things, this makes diagrams convenient navigation tools. See How Thermostats Work.
Motivated authors can use wiki's side-by-side navigation, internal links, and diagrams to construct custom information architecture that suits their discourse while honoring the reader's role in actively choosing how they use the context to construct their own understanding out of ambiguity.